Welcome back to the porch, friends.
No, my porch doesn't look like this yet.....but, it's early in the season!!! This was probably my favorite Fall porch photo EVER!!! |
It's been a while....a long while. I have just about let blogging go in favor of the instant gratification of sharing things on Facebook and Instagram. I rarely take make the time to sit down and compose a post worthy of loading up the blog. Having said that, it doesn't mean that I don't still enjoy coming here now or then for a visit. It just takes a little more effort and energy than I usually have on a normal day. Can you relate???
Not only is it a time issue, it's a matter of content. I've said before that I'm not one to recreate/redecorate our home over and over just to have fresh content to share. And Lord knows, if you peek in my closet you'll see a pretty simple and basic wardrobe, so fashion posts are not an option. Nor do I feel the need to document every single event in our lives in great enough detail to merit a blog post. I'm one of those "quality over quantity" folks.
Finally, there is the matter of how much blogging has changed in the last decade since I first started Janie's Porch. So many of the blogs these days are very commercialized. I have just about given up on reading other blogs simply because I get so frustrated with all the ads and popups that invade and clutter the feed. But, every once in a great while, I stumble across what I consider an "old fashioned" blog, where it feels like I'm just sitting and visiting with a friend....getting a glimpse into a peer's everyday life. So, I know the organic blog style still exists out there on the ol' worldwide web and I don't feel quite so alone. In fact, I feel inspired to keep on with the style of blog that feels comfortable to me and, if all else fails, I know at least Eddie Dale, my Daddy and my daughter will actually read it. 😘
Life's been busy around here. We've been working hard, traveling a bit in our fifth wheel, and lovin' on our family. I still love our little yellow cottage (although lately I've been dreaming of making it a little gray cottage...). It's small and cozy and only four blocks from the house I grew up in and three blocks from the house where my kiddos spent several years of their childhood. I still dress the porch for the different seasons and we love having family over for dinners on the back patio and pumpkin carving parties every Halloween. I still adore worn hardwood floors, crisp white trim and lots of color. (If you're looking for lots of black, white and gray, you're smooth out of luck here, dearie!)
As we're entering my favorite time of the year - that stretch from Indian Summer right through the Christmas holidays - I hope to be back to share some sights and thoughts that require a few more photos and words here at Janie's Porch.
(Hint, hint - more posts to come!)
If you haven't stopped by before, let me just extend a heartfelt and warm welcome. I'm glad you're here. And I hope you will leave a note in the comments or message me directly so I know you were here! Also, please follow me on
Facebook or
Instagram. (Links are also in the sidebar to the >>>.) You can even fall down that rabbit hole known as
Pinterest with me! Come on.....it'll be FUN!!! (Isn't that what they always say???)
Until next time...
xo xo