Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Toughin' Out Winter....

And Old Man Winter just keeps hanging on!

The temperature just keeps fluctuating, with front after front pushing through.  We have had some of the most bitter cold this season - seriously, lows in the single digits make it mighty hard to get moving in the mornings!

As we get into February, we have ice on the ground.  Granted, temps today edged up slightly above freezing, so everything is dripping.  But, it still cuts right through me every time I take the dogs out!  I cannot state emphatically enough...


Oh, so ready to work in the flower bed out front, cutting back the brown and tangled mums and lantana.  The large flower pot is filled with freezer burnt geraniums.  Leaves are piled up in the beds and we need a new layer of mulch.  I am eager to get my gloves on and get out the clippers and rake and get down in the dirt!

One side of the house is scraped, sanded and primed, just waiting for a fresh coat of paint.  All we need is warmer weather so we can get out there and get started.  This is a photo of the way we left it at the end of Summer.... not so good, to say the least!

Not only does the dreary weather affect me physically, but emotionally, as well.  Some days, I find that my outlook and mood are as gray as the day outside. 
I know that most of the rest of the county is also locked in this "deep freeze" pattern.  Are the gray and dreary days starting to wear on you this Winter?  Maybe if we all close our eyes and wish together, very hard, for Spring to come early, it will!  Who is with me in a concentrated effort to "wish" on Spring???
Stay warm, Friends!

When Fall Truly Arrives....in the Heart

October 1, 2019.  Time marches steadily on and the year progresses.  Oh, how I've been longing for this page on the calendar when t...