Lately, I have gotten into the habit of baking up a batch of cookies on Sunday afternoon or evening. (Don't know what has gotten into me.....especially since I didn't get around to this batch until Tuesday evening!)
My reasoning is that anything I make will undoubtedly be healthier and more enjoyable than anything I can buy at the market.
Having said that, the amount of time and effort I put into baking is minimal - because, face it, by the time I get around to this part of the day, I am usually ready for some "down time" before the week starts. When one works full time during the week, the weekends are usually spent catching up on the homefront - cleaning, laundry, shopping. Baking gets allotted a pretty meager amount of time.....and I am willing to bet that most of you can relate!
To keep it simple, I generally start with a pre-packaged cookie mix. (Yep, I am all over that whole semi-homemade thing!) Our favorite is the Betty Crocker bag of Oatmeal cookie mix. Super easy, super inexpensive, super quick - not 3 strikes there, but a total Home Run!!! And I figure that since these are oatmeal based cookies, they have to be at least a little bit healthy....right?
Just melt a stick of butter (real butter - margarine does not enter this house!) in your large mixing bowl. Add in one egg and 1 tablespoon of water; then stir in the bag of cookie mix. To change it up and add a little texture, I generally add in about 1/2 of chopped walnuts (no exact measuring - I just grab a big handful out of the jar of chopped walnuts I keep around). If I want the cookies to be really special, I add a handful of chopped dried cranberries!
Now, the secret to keeping it easy peasy is to use parchment paper on your cookie sheet. Do not skip this step!!! (Have I mentioned that discovering parchment paper has changed my life?!?!?!?) Bake in a 350 degree oven until they are just beginning to turn golden. Then remove from the oven, let sit a couple of minutes on the cookie sheet, then move them to paper towels to completely cool. (Trust me, they stay a little softer and chewier than they will if you let them cool on a wire rack!)
Parchment paper and paper towels - essentials in this baking venture! |
This yields about 3-1/2 dozen cookies, which are just the right size for snagging for snacks. In fact, you can eat 2, or even 3, without feeling too guilty!
So, next time you're in a hurry for a semi-healthy snack that tastes like you baked it from scratch (or, in my case, better than scratch), try these cookie mix cookies. Your family will love you!!!
Stay well and be blessed, Friends!