Hello, friends!
I hope your Monday went well. Mine was busy, busy, busy at the office. However, I felt blessed with an extra measure of energy today. It's almost as if this time of year carries its own special magic for me, spurring me to get things done and kicking off a fresh round of nesting!
And now, I am eager to share our Fall front porch with you!
My greatest desire is to keep things SIMPLE this year.
It has been my recent goal to simplify in many areas of my life. This has spilled over into seasonal decorating, as well. With our new paint color, everything looks so different - more vibrant and intense. The details stand out starkly now, so a little goes a long way. The purple mums, though still tightly budded at the store, looked full and healthy; so, they made the trip home with me. The pumpkins are arriving in different colors and sizes, one or two each time we visit the supermarket. My asparagus ferns are stunning this year, having done so well in the super-sized pots I found at Big Lots this Spring. We will enjoy them through the first freeze and they provide beautiful greenery and texture as a backdrop for the more autumnal colors!
~ My Camera ~
When I was home for the lunch hour, I popped the battery for my Canon camera onto the charger so I could play with it a bit this evening. It's not a terribly fancy camera and I am still learning to use it. (My husband surprised me with it a couple of years ago - and I mean it was a wonderful surprise, totally unexpected! He took all the pocket change he had saved for the last few years over to the bank and had it counted - coming up with enough to purchase this camera out at Sam's - so generous!) The model is a PowerShot SX510 HS, and I can transfer images directly from the camera to my tablet via our wifi network! Imagine that, no pulling the SD card or searching for the USB cable!!! I am still learning the settings, but I took all these images using the auto setting.
Something NEW - If you hover over any of the post photos in the blog now, you will notice that I have added the ability to "pin" directly from this page to Pinterest.
So, by all means, please PIN AWAY!!!
So, by all means, please PIN AWAY!!!
Now, that I have gotten my camera back out, I can't wait for some great lighting so I can get photos of some of our interior Fall decor!
Now, there are a couple of things you can do for me. First, I would love to know that you've stopped by - so, leave a comment for me and say "Hello"! Then follow along with me on social media, by clicking on the following links ~
It's much simpler for me to find moments throughout the day to post on those platforms and you will see me there much more often. So, I hope you will pop over and take a peek.
Back soon for another visit on the porch!