But, with my BIG BIRTHDAY lurking around the corner - in less than four hours, to be exact - I felt compelled to make the time to get a new post up here at Janie's Porch.
When I say BIG BIRTHDAY, I mean exactly that!
This is a milestone, any way you look at it!!!
The big FIVE-OH!!!!
More than anything, it has been an occasion for me to just stop, take a deep breath and reflect on my Life up to this point. And, you know what? It's been a Good Life, very good, indeed.
I have been blessed beyond measure! I was raised by loving parents - my younger sister and I had a happy childhood, so safe and secure.
Mom (18), Dad (23) and Me (11 days) |
Jane and Jill, growing up on Blair Street |
Heading out to celebrate our 7th anniversary |
Benjamin, Bonnie, Mom and Samuel (l to r) |
Trayden and Ansleigh all ready for the Rodeo! |
Jake, the Wonder Dog |
Pepper and Scout |
I have an exciting new career and am off to a great start! It's challenging and rewarding every single day.
Me with my Broker, Steve, on the occasion of my first closing and commission check! |
Take the time to stop and count your Blessings today!
A multitude of hugs to you......