I feel something akin to shame that I still haven't started painting the shelf Eddie made and the other two pieces that are getting a "facelift". My best intentions this past weekend were simply shattered by this thing we call "Real Life".....
But, I have no regrets that my time was not spent with a paint brush in my hand. Instead, I met some wonderful new people while showing a new listing of mine and spending some time with my mother on Saturday afternoon. And Saturday night was wonderful with both of the boys here for hamburgers cooked on the grill. Sunday? Well, Sunday is actually a blur of resting and being somewhat lazy, throwing in a few loads of laundry here and there, and making a Herculean effort to push the painting project out of my mind. It was one of those "lost days" where you have trouble recalling what you even did! Do you ever have those?
Since I have no photos to post of the "project", I thought I would take a little blogging time today to hang out with Patrice at Everyday Ruralty and spend some time chatting on her farmhouse porch. This is a fun thing to do each week and it gives us a little extra insight into everyone else's day.....
There are today's topics....
- What did you have for breakfast this morning? Breakfast? What's that??? I hate to admit it, but I am the world's worst when it comes to getting up and eating breakfast on a regular basis. Not good, not healthy, I know! Oh, wait, does coffee count as breakfast? Because if it does, then I always have a fine breakfast!
- What's your favorite kind of juice? I love orange juice! And I like when it has some pulp in it, so I can pretend it's freshly squeezed. Not the best thing on an empty stomach sometimes - acid, you know - but, a super cold glass of OJ is refreshing.
- Have you tried Pinterest yet? Oh, gosh, let's not go here.......I'm hopelessly addicted! I love the whole concept of being able to pin images on a virtual bulletin board and go back to look at them anytime for inspiration. It's like having all the magazine images I've saved in one spot - with absolutely no clutter of magazines. I don't even have any subscriptions anymore, yet I have tons of images that I can go back to over and over. I've got it down to checking on this ONCE a day now.....
- I can't wait for __________ from my garden (or farmers' market/CSA/neighbor with green thumb). Well, I don't have a garden. The farmer's market here in town is pretty weak; I expect they will phase it out at some point because of lack of participation by growers and shoppers! So, almost every bit of produce coming into this house comes from the supermarket. However, my dad grows some killer cherry tomatoes and I'm looking forward to those, with a passion!
- The worst job I ever had was __________________. This is easy - I worked for a very short time with a legal firm whose sole purpose was to file collection suits. Yuck! Sitting and plugging information into suit forms for credit card companies that had over-extended credit to people at sky-high interest rates and then expected to collect it from people who should have never spent the money in the first place.....it was beyond awful. I simply reached a breaking point, loaded everything personal off my desk when I left one evening, quit in an e-mail and never went back. I know, that was a childish way to handle it, but it was the best I could do at that point.....