Yesterday was a designated work day in the kitchen/dining area ~ at least for me. Eddie was scheduled to work from 2 pm to 11 pm, so it was going to be up to me to load the kitchen and get started on the painting.. Oh, yeah, I had big plans to get tons accomplished.
But, I found lots of little things to sidetrack me yesterday morning. I just couldn't get started....I had to run to the post office, I had to check Facebook, I had to have another cuppa coffee. You know what I mean???
Finally, probably in an effort to squelch my ongoing procrastination, Eddie started bringing boxes in from the garage a couple of hours before he had to be at work. This kinda "forced" me to get in there and start loading in the cabinets ~ something that had to be done prior to painting. (And let me just say "Thank you, sweetie" for getting me started!)
Mom dropped by shortly after he left for work and jumped right in to help. I'm so grateful for her amazing energy and talent for organizing. Not only did she help me unpack boxes and put things away, she flattened boxes, swept the entire area (the floor was getting a little "crunchy" underfoot) and even found time to sweep the entire back patio and feed cookies to the dogs.
I admit, we had to take a couple of breaks (to run to Rick & Carolyn's drive-thru for an icy cherry Pepsi and dinner off the dollar menu at McDonalds), but we finally got to the painting part of the day. And let me just tell you this ~ Mom is a fabulous painter!!!
Just hand this lady a brush and she's off to the races!!!
We were loving the color before it dried ~ even with just one coat over the primer. While we painted, we started tossing out ideas for accessories and decorating. It ended up being so much fun that we looked up and it was nearly time for Eddie to be home from work!
All in all, it was a very productive day and I'm actually looking forward to getting back in there today and getting a second coat on the walls and starting on the trim.
Thanks, Mom! You got me going again ~ I'm inspired to carry on!!!
I'm linking up with Paula over at Amen Corner today to share this Picture Perfect day of Productivity.
I hope your weekend is shaping up to be one to remember....picture perfect in every way!